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What’s new in housing? Watch the AJ 40 under 40 panel discussion

Watch the latest in a series of discussions about today's hottest topics featuring the AJ 40 under 40's rising stars. This episode: Yẹmí Aládérun, Chloe Phelps, Tom Lewith and Jennifer O’Donnell

Earlier this month four of the latest cohort of the UK’s groundbreaking and emerging architectural talent joined AJ editor Emily Booth at the VitrA Bathrooms showroom in Clerkenwell.

The panelists talked about their residential work, ranging from smaller scale community-led schemes through to larger public housing drives, and answered questions about the wider housing sector.

Run in association with VitrA Bathrooms, the AJ 40 under 40 celebrates the UK’s most exciting emerging architectural talent. It is the first time since 2005 that the AJ has brought together this unique showcase of the nation’s next generation of boundary-pushing designers and innovators.


The panel:

  • Jennifer O’Donnell, O’DonnellBrown
  • Tom Lewith, TDO
  • Chloe Phelps, Grounded (formerly head of Common Ground Architecture)
  • Yẹmí Aládérun, development manager for the Meridian Water team, Enfield Council and Public Practice associate
  • Emily Booth, panel chair and AJ editor

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