RIBA names winners of post-pandemic ideas contest
The RIBA has revealed the three winning teams in its international contest seeking ‘big ideas for our post-pandemic world’
Stories about the Royal Institute of British Architects, including the RIBA Awards and the RIBA Stirling Prize
By Merlin Fulcher 27 July 2020 493 Views
The RIBA has revealed the three winning teams in its international contest seeking ‘big ideas for our post-pandemic world’
By Richard Waite 24 July 2020 448 Views
The AJ asked the five contenders for the RIBA presidency how they would shake up the education system and what they would do to improve access to the profession for all
By Ben Derbyshire 15 July 2020 79 Views
There is much to do but the Institute is on the way up if the elections are anything to go by, writes Ben Derbyshire
By Merlin Fulcher 14 July 2020 791 Views
The RIBA has launched a major contest to rethink the future of small to medium-sized stations across the Network Rail estate [Deadline: 15 September 2020]
By Richard Waite 14 July 2020 163 Views
The AJ talks to the five RIBA presidential candidates about what they would do for the profession and the institute if you give them your vote
By Will Ing 13 July 2020 327 Views
Nigel Carrington has left the RIBA’s board of trustees with immediate effect after stepping down as chair earlier this month
By Will Ing 9 July 2020 167 Views
Environmental activists, pro-diversity architects and a former RIBA president are running for a seat on RIBA Council
By Richard Waite and Will Ing 3 July 2020 762 Views
The chair elect of the RIBA’s controversial new board of trustees has quit just two months after being appointed
By Richard Waite 1 July 2020 118 Views
Nottingham-based architect and broadcaster Valeria Passetti has become the fifth contender to join the race to become the next RIBA president
By Richard Waite 30 June 2020 96 Views
Manchester-based architect Nick Moss has become the latest contender to make a bid for the RIBA presidency