Robert Adam Rome Scholarship 2024-25 launches

The front of the BSR in Rome
The front of the BSR in Rome

Source:  Luana Rigolli

The British School at Rome (BSR) has announced an open call for participants of a three-month classical architecture scholarship [Deadline: 3 June 2024]

The winning candidate will be provided three months board and accommodation at the British School at Rome along with a monthly £800 research and travel grant to study the ‘tradition and evolution of classical architecture in Rome and Italy.’

The call for applications comes almost two years after Allies and Morrison founder Bob Allies was named as the head of the newly re-established British School at Rome’s Faculty of Architecture, leading a team of big-name architects.

It also coincides with a search for two new BSR architecture faculty members. The first position is for a practicing architect with an ‘established reputation’ who can boost the school's links to the profession and the second is for an architect, academic or researcher curator based in the commonwealth.


According to the brief: ‘The Robert Adam Rome Scholarship in Architecture is awarded to an architect or scholar to study the tradition and evolution of classical architecture in Rome and Italy, which could include associated urban form.

‘The successful candidate will spend three months at the BSR undertaking a self-directed programme of research. This research — related to the city of Rome or elsewhere in Italy — may take the form of research, measurement or drawing, a theoretical study, an historical investigation or a combination of all four, all related to the tradition and evolution of classical architecture.

‘It will include a final report or portfolio that can be published with the specific objective of informing current architectural practice. The award-holder will have access to the extensive collections of the BSR Library and Archive and will join our community of artists and scholars, contributing to and benefitting from the intellectual and social exchange that is a fundamental part of life at the BSR.’

The British School at Rome was founded in 1901 with architecture as one of its main disciplines alongside archaeology and the fine arts. It moved into its Edward Lutyens-designed home in the city in 1916.

The original Faculty of Architecture was established in 1912 but closed in the 1990s. Founding faculty members of the newly relaunched faculty Denise Bennetts, co-founder of Bennetts Associates, Níall McLaughlin of Níall McLaughlin Architects, Tim Bell, director at Bell Phillips Architects, Marco Iuliano, reader in architecture at the University of Liverpool and art historian MaryAnne Stevens.


Competition details

Project title Robert Adam Rome Scholarship in Architecture 2024-5
Client British School at Rome
Contract value To be confirmed
First round deadline 3 June 2024
Restrictions To be confirmed
More information


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