About the Liverpool School of Architecture
Location Liverpool L69 | Courses BA (Hons) Architecture, MArch | Head of school Ola Uduku | Full-time tutors 49 | Part-time tutors 42 | Students 700 | Staff to student ratio 1:12
Louis Swift

Course BA (Hons) Architecture
Studio/unit brief NOW (Studio 3)
Project title The Artists’ Residence
Project description The Artists’ Residence is a mixed-use cultural space that continues the rejuvenation of the high street. An odd mixture of uses and typologies, the project reacts to the decreasing amount of creative space in Liverpool’s city centre and consists of high-quality artist workspace and temporary accommodation for travelling artists, encouraging a culture of sharing and collaborating. It aims to bring high-quality rentable workspace back into the city centre as well as provide co-working space to encourage collaboration. The hotel lobby and plant-based restaurant serve as an entrance point with workshops above and then accommodation on top.
Tutor citation Louis’ project is ambitious, mature and relevant. The architecture is a surprisingly pink and green collage of styles and references, creating a colourful, animated backdrop to the newly-landscaped Williamson Square. Mat Barnes, Graham Burns, James Crawford, Alexander Turner
Vova Duniak, Aidil Bin Supaat Faizi, Chin Fung So, Yue Zhu

Course MArch
Studio/unit brief Urban Form and Social Space (UFSS Research Group)
Project title Chinatown 2050: uncovering the urban potential
Project description This project aims to break down the stereotype of traditional Chinatown districts globally – seen as ethnic enclaves or touristic theme parks. By revisiting the traditional Chinese architectural typologies of shared spaces (verandas, moon gates and pavilions) and reimagining them as ‘intermediate’ shared spaces in the urban context of Liverpool, it aims to create a place that opens new spatial and programmatic opportunities for all.
Tutor citation This is a fascinating project, which explores the past, present and potential future of the Liverpool Chinatown, the oldest Chinese community in Europe, and reimagines the district as a gateway to the city centre. Aikaterini Antonopoulou, Yat Shun Kei