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AJ Climate Champions podcast: Historic England’s Morwenna Slade on the limitations of ‘fabric first’


The head of historic building climate change adaptation at Historic England explains why insulation is the area of highest risk when working with heritage buildings

Morwenna Slade, a conservation-accredited building surveyor with a deep interest in both the natural and built environment, explains Historic England’s role as a statutory consultee in planning, providing technical guidance and training, and carrying out research to confront upcoming climate challenges.

In this episode, she argues that sustainability and conservation are ‘well-matched’ to deliver change on the ground.

Slade also explains the range of guidance and webinars available from Historic England, as well as the current research agenda which includes ‘hazard mapping’ of regional risks. This involves granular mapping of overheating, flooding, slope collapse, shrink-swell capacity and storm exposure under different emissions scenarios and their implications for the built environment.

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About Morwenna Slade

Morwenna Slade is Historic England’s head of historic building climate change adaptation, a new post she took up two years ago. A conservation-accredited building surveyor, she has previously worked for the National Trust and the Churches Conservation Trust. She is also a member of the technical panel of the Institute of Historic Building  Conservation, which reviews upcoming national guidance and policies for both traditional materials and new technologies, as well as a society for the preservation of ancient buildings guardian for the Somerset region. She is based in Bristol.

Projects and resources mentioned in this episode

HE Technical Guidance

HE Lessons from the Global South webinars

HE Technical Tuesday webinars

UK Climate Hazard Mapping for Heritage

STBA Responsible Retrofit Guidance Wheel


Climate Champions is produced in association with ACAN, the Architects’ Climate Action Network
Podcast produced and edited by Simon Aldous
Music: Edmilson do Pífano, Forró de dois Amigos. Interpretation: Felipe Tanaka e banda Balaio de Baião

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