An architect finds themselves disagreeing with their business partner over a range of matters, none of which seem to get resolved. Matthew Turner advises
Coach: a less experienced colleague is earning more than me
An architect has discovered that a less experienced member of their team is being paid more. Matthew Turner looks at their options
The Coach: Long hours and low interest – it’s a mystery why I stick with architecture
An architect finds their work stressful, unexciting and not particularly well paid. Matthew Turner looks at their options for an alternative career
The Coach: I’m worried about the prospect of retirement
While in a good financial position, a reader worries about the change in life that impending retirement will bring. Matthew Turner has some wise advice
The Coach: Is entering awards crass and egotistical?
Does going for gongs divert a practice’s resources away from better serving its clients? Matthew Turner argues that in fact the whole awards process can be hugely beneficial to the business
The Coach: What tips can you give me for my job interview?
An architect who has pretty much worked alone since lockdown now has a job interview – in person. Matthew Turner gives some indispensable advice
The Coach: Can I move to the client side without retraining?
Can an architect switch to commissioning projects without spending time and money retraining? Matthew Turner advises
The Coach: ‘I’ve fallen out with a close colleague’
The AJ Coach advises an architect about how to handle a tricky situation in the office
The Coach: ‘How do I manage my career more proactively?’
The AJ Coach advises an architect how to plan their career more effectively
The Coach: ‘How do I build a career in sustainable architecture?’
The AJ Coach offers tips on how to uncover opportunities in specialist practice focusing on sustainable architecture